ISO 15189 standard in
High Quality Service

Quality & Accreditation



Scientific Studies on the Quality

A. SCI ve SCI – Scanned articles published in international peer-reviewed journals based on expanded

  1. Coskun A, Ceyhan E, Inal TC, Serteser M, Unsal I. The comparison of parametric and nonparametric bootstrap methods for reference interval computation in small sample size groups. Accred Qual Assur 2013;18:51-60. 
  2. Serteser M, Coskun A, Inal TC, Unsal I. How ISO-15189 laboratory accreditation assures patient safety? J Med Biochem 2012;31:271–280.
  3. Unsal I,  Coskun A,  Serteser M, Inal TC, Ozpinar A. Toward standardization of quality assessment in laboratory medicine by using the same matrix samples for both internal and external quality assessments. Accred Qual Assur, 2010;15:621-7
  4. İnal TC, Serteser M, Coşkun A, Özpinar A, Ünsal İ. Indirect reference intervals estimated from hospitalized population for thyrotropin and free thyroxine. Croat Med J, 2010;51:124-30.
  5. Coskun A,  Ibrahim Unsal I,  Serteser M, Fraterman A. Towards standardization of external quality assessment schemes by using bias values based on biological variation. Accred Qual Assur,  2009;14:547-52.
  6. Coskun A., M. Serteser, A. Fraterman ve I. Unsal, ‘Response to the letter to the editor ‘A new internal quality control chart based on biological variation is not enough’’, Accred Qual Asur, 2008;13:485-6.
  7. Coskun A., M. Serteser, A. Fraterman ve I. Unsal, ‘A new internal quality control chart based on biological variation’, Accred Qual Asur, 2008;13:69-75.
  8. Coşkun A., ‘Six Sigma and laboratory consultation’, Clin Chem Lab Med, 2007;45:121-3.
  9. Coskun A., ‘Westgard multirule for calculated laboratory tests’, Clin Chem Lab Med, 2006;44:1183-7.
  10. Coskun A., ‘Modified Levey-Jennings charts for calculated laboratory tests’, Clin Chem Lab Med, 2006;44:387-390.
  11. Coskun A., ‘Six sigma and calculated laboratory tests’, Clin Chem, 2006;52:770-1.
  12. Coskun A., ‘The reliability of calculated laboratory results’, Clin Chem Lab Med, 2005;43: 880-2.

B. International Book Editorial

  1. Coskun A, Inal T, Serteser M (Editörler). Six Sigma Projects and Personal Experiences. InTech Temmuz 2011. ISBN 978-953-307-370-5,
  2. Coskun A (Editör), Quality Management and Six Sigma. Sciyo, Hırvatistan, Eylül 2010. ISBN 978-953-307-130-5

C. Writing Department within International Book

  1. Six Sigma as a Quality Management Tool: Evaluation of Performance in Laboratory Medicine. Coskun A (Editör), Quality Management and Six Sigma. Sciyo, Hırvatistan, Eylül 2010.